Teamcenter X offers full functionality PLM with the added benefits of the cloud:
Gain instant PLM access for all stakeholders, anytime, anywhere
Reduce the cost of ownership with predictable operational expenses and minimal IT infrastructure
Accelerate product development, leverage existing knowledge to support design re-use, manage change and speed cycle time
Streamline product development and manufacturing processes with internal and external stakeholders
Create a multi-domain bill of material (BOM) to visualize your entire product
Try a no hassle free trial of Teamcenter X...
Shift the IT burden with SaaS PLM
"When a company uses a SaaS PLM solution, data security is the responsibility of the solution provider and its cloud partner... As a result, the likelihood of data theft and product development-crippling malware is much less than with on-premises PLM".
Lifecycle Insights, The Business Case for Cloud-Based SaaS PLM