Digitalization for Heavy Equipment Industry 4.0
Heavy equipment manufacturers are developing high-performance machinery with new sensor technology and alternative materials. Along with the need to extend the product lifecycle, manufacturers face many challenges: global competition, multi-site manufacturing, compressed development cycles, total-cost-of-ownership reductions, fuel economy, and regulatory emissions standards. These challenges require an integrated set of design, simulation and manufacturing tools that are managed in a unified and integrated environment.

Featured Solutions
Accelerated equipment design for heavy equipment
Heavy equipment companies cannot afford to miss out on the ongoing innovation wave, which can be characterized by the massive introduction of new capabilities based on digital technologies and by electrification. They must investigate how to upgrade their products, define their future span of activities, and rethink their position in a market that is in full transformation. But to create the necessary bandwidth for such existential considerations, they must secure their daily business by timely delivery of current equipment.

By accelerating equipment design and delivery, Siemens software helps OEMs successfully navigate through this complex transition period. Siemens Accelerated Equipment Design solutions offer OEMs a collaborative design environment for multi-disciplinary design to specifically address those challenges that slow down product development and equipment design. These include dealing with many equipment design variants, increased design complexity, regulatory compliance, and disconnected design workflows.
Predictive performance engineering for heavy equipment
The heavy equipment industry is at a critical juncture as manufacturers face more challenges than ever before. They must comply with emissions and safety regulations from multiple governments and organizations while incorporating the connected technologies that consumers demand.
Heavy equipment manufacturers must combine real-world simulation and IoT solutions to create the next generation of machines. Siemens’ solutions for predictive performance engineering integrate multi-physics design, simulation, testing, and field data analytics into common and connected workflows to produce accurate results faster and at lower costs.

Smart manufacturing for heavy equipment
Heavy equipment manufacturing companies must manufacture a totally new generation of machines to address today’s increasing demand for digital technologies, electrification, and specialization. This adds complexity to their heavy equipment manufacturing process, such as more components from more diverse suppliers and a greater degree of customization. To stay in business, they must find a way to deliver this without affecting their margins, thereby additionally challenged by having global operations and an increased mandate to implement a sustainability strategy.

With smart heavy equipment manufacturing capabilities, Siemens helps companies win in the global marketplace by making what their customers demand in an efficient and sustainable way. Siemens Smart Heavy Equipment Manufacturing solutions offer heavy equipment manufacturing companies all the necessary capabilities to achieve zero defect manufacturing everywhere. They can achieve this by optimizing their manufacturing operations and by digitally connecting departments and locations, throughout their organization as well as with suppliers.
Equipment service lifecycle management and analytics
Heavy equipment service lifecycle management and analytics on large data from equipment service and operation are trending. OEMs consider equipment service an excellent revenue opportunity during turbulent economic times. Besides, their greater involvement in equipment service is also required to master the exploding complexity in today’s increasingly software-driven and customized machines. But how should OEMs position themselves amidst the current equipment service offer, typically involving dealers and specialised equipment service providers?
With smart heavy equipment manufacturing capabilities, Siemens helps companies win in the global marketplace by making what their customers demand in an efficient and sustainable way. Siemens Smart Heavy Equipment Manufacturing solutions offer heavy equipment manufacturing companies all the necessary capabilities to achieve zero defect manufacturing everywhere. They can achieve this by optimizing their manufacturing operations and by digitally connecting departments and locations, throughout their organisation as well as with suppliers.
Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) for Heavy Equipment
Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) has become indispensable for today’s innovative machine design. Heavy equipment development programs have always happened under pressure because of machine complexity, the numerous configurations, and the timebound delivery. Still, many OEMs spend half of their resources on fixing integration problems due to flawed communication between domains and with suppliers. Today, with software, digital innovations and electrification multiplying the interactions between subsystems and with the environment, they can no longer afford that.

With MBSE, they can eliminate all static document-based information exchange between stakeholders from across departments and suppliers. Instead, MBSE helps them drive dynamic collaboration between everyone, based on shared system models and their interactions at the interfaces, while continuously focusing on the overall requirements. In this way, MBSE will help OEMs achieve their design goals faster and dramatically reduce the risk that problems are discovered late, when they are expensive or even impossible to fix.